What's New

The Dalai Lama

I am a supporter of His Holiness, the 14th Dalai Lama, who is the spiritual leader of Tibet. His travels have taken him to more than 62 countries on six continents.  He has met with Presidents, Crown Rulers, Prime Ministers, Heads of State, well-known scientists and celebrities; and through it all he remains true to being a humble Buddhist monk.

I have read all of his books, and “The Art of Happiness” holds a special place in my heart. I have embraced all of his peaceful teachings and you can imagine how I felt to be in His Serene presence when I saw him speak at Nova-Southeastern University in Davie, Florida on February 23, 2010.  It was a dream come true for me.

I sat only a few rows away from His Holiness, and the sheer vitality and intensity of the Love that radiated from him rocked me to my soul.

I have always thought that I lived a ‘conscious’ life, but after he shared the following profound insights, I realized that I have so much more to do and learn to make these words a part of my life from this day forward.

“Every day, think as you wake up, Today, I am fortunate to have woken up.

I am alive    /    I have a precious human life    /    I am not going to waste it

I am going to use all of my energies to further develop myself and to expand my heart to others to  achieve enlightenment for the benefit of all beings.

  • I will have kind thoughts towards others
  • I will not be angry or think badly about others
  • I am going benefit others as much as I can

These are the words of The 14th Dalai Lama.  As I take these words to heart, I find my spirit strengthened and lifted.  My spiritual path has been an integral part of the development of my Stone Massage educational programs, and the teaching of The Dalai Lama are a constant reminder of the unifying truth of Love and Peace which guide me in all that I do and give to others.

Healing the World One Stone at a Time

By: Sonia Alexandra


What's New

Healing the Heart Takes Courage

Over the years, one thing I have learned from those I have assisted in their healing – physically, emotionally, and spiritually – it takes time to heal old emotional wounds.  No matter what we achieve in life, if we are haunted by feelings of abandonment, rejection, or other traumas that we experienced early in life, we continue to question our abilities to be our authentic selves, personally and professionally.  And, if we don’t heal these personal wounds first, it is difficult to help others heal.

Many of the workshops I have facilitated, I have been amazed on how profoundly and how necessary it is to be aware of these early experiences and their affect upon ourselves. As I spoke about and touched upon the healing of one’s heart, most of those present dissolved into tears.

I don’t see these wounds in a negative sense, since emotional wounds happen to all of us.  I see them as opportunities to do what is necessary in order to recognize them for what they are and to find the inner strength and courage to heal them.  Of course, there are times where you may need to work with a professional to complete this healing process.

My own search of 38 years culminated last year when I finally found my father’s brother and his wife in Hungary.  My father had abandoned my family when I was two-years-old, never to be seen or heard from again. As I searched for links to my heritage, I encountered many dead-ends. I didn’t have any Internet resources that are readily available today.  Also, at that time, Hungary was under Russian domination, so there was little or no information available to the outside world.

I finally found you!

Everything changed in 2008 after I found Joseph Shumway, AG, a genealogist in Utah.  He was able, after a year-long search and with the help of his European associates, to locate my relatives — my aunt and uncle, both of whom are 85, now, and have been married for over 60 years.

Even though I attended self-discovery workshops and applied all the self-healing techniques that I read about in books, it wasn’t until I looked into their eyes on July 16th, 2009, in Debrecen, Hungary, did I feel that intimate connection to who I AM and my roots … and, at that moment, my soul and heart were healed.

I would like to encourage all those who want to learn about their true heritage, to follow their paths and, if they can, without expectations.  Be open to all possibilities to heal your emotional wounds that have held you back from being the person you are meant to be.

It personally transformed my life, and it is my hope and desire, that you will experience this joyful transformation as well.


Helpful Resources:




By: Sonia Alexandra


Stone Massage, What's New, Uncategorized

What’s New in Stone Massage

Monthly, there are thousands of new graduates all over the globe, and I would really like to give back to them through the educational capacity of Stone Massage University.  Because, when I first started back in the early 1970’s as an LMT, I was well aware of the power of touch, but I never set out to change the world. I only wanted establish a positive reputation and bolster the credibility of our industry by changing people’s perceptions of the actual benefits of massage.

It became my life’s work, and decades later, my deepest desire now is to be able to provide the latest information on how to facilitate the trans formative powers of massage, for both new and established practitioners, to the benefit their clients and their professional status.

I believe Stone Massage work is profoundly effective and changes how individual people respond on all levels – physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

As a continuing education provider and industry pioneer, I have spent the last three decades bringing together all the resources  to develop distance learning materials and online e-courses for you.  Now, you have one place that you can turn to and find the educational tools to help you to achieve your personal goals while maintaining your professional standing.  Under my guidance you will discover advancement opportunities you may not have imagined before this.

Whether you are an individual practitioner or a business owner responsible for a group of talented employees, you will find that Stone Massage University was designed to address the needs of the next generation of body work practitioners, so they can expand their horizons, both personally and professionally.  Please know that I am here to be your Personal Holistic Coach and Mentor.

  • Late in 2009, Massage Envy, a national massage franchise, to my delight has added Stone Massage to their service menu.
  • NCBTMB now offers practice exams online.
  • AMTA National Convention in 2009 had largest turn-out thus far, where they welcomed over 1,800 attendees.
  • Liability insurers are now requiring practitioners to be familiar with the Fitzpatrick Classification Scale of Skin Typing, for the application of Stone Massage, Hot Fomentations, Thai Balls, etc.

By: Sonia Alexandra

Stone Massage, What's New

Work Smarter Not Harder

The Spa and Wellness Industry is evolving rapidly, contributing to its success is stone massage, and the fact that it can be incorporated into so many different modalities.

Whether through relaxation or more targeted services Stone Massage has been a popular item on service menus for the past decade and a half.


The average burnout time for a massage therapist is approximately five years.

I would like to point out to you that proper training in the correct use of body mechanics while performing massage treatments is of vital importance. Another important factor to consider is the energy protection procedures prior to offering any hands on treatment.

If not implemented properly prior to each treatment,  negative energies can permeate our energy field and  drain us physically as well as mentally, I have personally experienced & also witnessed this in therapists numerous times, this can also be an added factor to burnout, so please remember to protect yourself.


Profound tissue massage work, as well as Rolfing and other deep tissue modalities, certainly take a toll on our bodies, especially our back, shoulders, hands and thumbs, affecting your longevity factor as a practitioner


I highly recommend using stones as therapy and as a tool, to help facilitate your deeper modalities.

May I suggest finding the perfect stone as your tool for your deeper work, once you feel comfortable with its shape in your hand, the stone you selected should be able to be grasped easily, this will give you leverage you need in your deep tissue work, allowing the stone to absorb the pressure. For the practitioner this will greatly save your hands and help you avoid repetitive injuries.

When preparing the skin for deeper tissue work I always begin by placing warm stones on the area, this greatly helps in relaxing and prepares the tissue for deeper work. I find it to be very beneficial with great results and I hope you do to.

By: Sonia Alexandra

What's New

From Desperation To Healing

From Desperation to Healing

Sharing my story at Toast Masters in Boca Raton, FL

I wanted to share with you the story of my humble beginnings and my passion for the path I have chosen.

Massage Therapy has been the most rewarding journey, and I hope my story can inspire others to achieve their dreams. Nothing is impossible and never give up, when we give selflessly we receive so much more in return, I feel truly blessed.

By: Sonia Alexandra

What's New

Much More Than Just Massage

Massage such a simple word yet has such deep meaning. Its always been love story for me from the time I was 8 year old and observed a massage therapist treating our neighbor after he had have a stroke and become paralyzed. And witnessing his slow but ultimate recovery and from that moment on my love story with massage began. After 4 decades I’m still as in enthusiastic and humble by the beautiful healing journey that I have had the opportunity to experience. This was a gift long ago as well as a challenge that drove me to action because of my firm beliefs in my healing power of human touch and human connection. More than ever our world needs us to all the men and women body workers who have dedicated themselves to this beautiful transformation journey. I say thank you and blessing to you!

By: Sonia Alexandra

What's New

Healing Journey

I just recently returned from an amazing trip back to my roots in Hungary and Germany meeting cousins and uncles that I have longed to meet a lifetime. The stories they shared with me reconfirmed my holistic journey. The love resilience and sheer will to survive human repression during War torn years. Gave me the answers to my own resilience and will never to give up. I’m truly blessed to be at this new cross road in my life and vow more than ever to continue my chosen path of healing energy work.

By: Sonia Alexandra

Stone Massage, What's New

Latest in Massage Education

Stone Massage can be a solid foundation for your professional identity.

Continuing CE education is an invaluable tool, as are the stones in enhancing every type of massage that you offer in your present practice. I can not emphasize this enough.

Whether you use the healing stones as a tool, or to prepare the client’s skin prior to zone therapy any deeper body work, as well as a specialized stone massage treatment the client will benefit greatly, and your hands will say thank you.

By: Sonia Alexandra

Stone Massage, What's New

New Course to Increase Your Profits

For all practitioners, the economy has affected everyone’s bottom line and  a great way to increase sales is by offering mini services.

The Zone Foot Therapy treatment can do that for you, not only will it increase sales, but also benefits for the client. This way they can maintain their normal service habits, and delight in a new treatment. The Zone treatment is a combination of Zone Therapy, warm stones and herbal balls,performed primarily on the lower leg and feet.  An ancient secret with a modern twist.

We have received nothing but great reviews on the treatment.

Until next time,


By: Sonia Alexandra