Stone Massage, Uncategorized

The Chakra System

“Chakra is an old Sanskrit term meaning ‘wheel’ or ‘circle’ and is generally used to reference specific energy centers along the body’s meridian. Generally there are seven chakra points, although some systems include one or two extra points.” (

7 Chakra’s 
Chakra 1: Base (or Root)
Open: Feel safe, secure and welcome.
Under-Active: Nervous or fearful.
Over-Active: Resist change and are materialistic.

Chakra 2: Sacral
Open: Feelings flow freely.
Under-Active: Unemotional.
Over-Active: Emotional all the time. 

Chakra 3: Solar
Open: Feel in control and assertive.
Under-Active: Passive and Indecisive.
Over-Active: Aggressive.

Chakra 4: Heart
Open: Compassionate and friendly.
Under-Active: Cold and distant.
Over-Active: Smothering.

Chakra 5: Throat
Open: Able to express yourself.
Under-Active: Introverted and shy.
Over-Active: Talkative.

Chakra 6: Brow
Open: Have good intuition.
Under-Active: Rely on other people’s decisions.
Over-Active: Live in Fantasy Land.

Chakra 7: Crown
Open: Feeling connected to the world around you.
Under-Active: Self-denial.
Over-Active: Craving sympathy.

To Learn About Your Personal Chakra Levels…

This Chakra Test will help you determine if your Chakra levels are ‘open’, ‘under-active’, or ‘over-active.

Continuing Education Courses Focus Level 2 Massage and Chakra Balancing Now only $125…We are committed to your success!!!

Stone Massage, Uncategorized

Massage Therapy in 2015

bowl-of-salt-copy-400x298How do you protect yourself?

I am dedicated to making 2015 our best year.

I would like to begin this New Year sharing with you from experience what I believe is an extremely important factor treating a client.
I have been a licensed LMT since the early 70’s no one prepared me for what I can only call energy vampires. We all know what I am referring too. We sometimes go home after a work day exhausted and depleted of energy, and do not know why?

We all know certain clients who just drain us physically and emotionally.
It is imperative you protect your personal space when exchanging any hands – on massage therapy.
A simple effective solution is to begin your day with this intention. Prior to treatment as your client is laying on the table, visualize a sparkling white light and surround your entire aura with it, from head to toe. Now visualize a deep hole on the earth, and tell yourself that any negative energy presence in the room is automatically be directed there. You can also keep a small container of sea – salt under your table for added protection I suggest doing this once daily, you will be amazed at the results.

Sonia Alexandra, LMT

Stone Massage, What's New, Uncategorized

What’s New in Stone Massage

Monthly, there are thousands of new graduates all over the globe, and I would really like to give back to them through the educational capacity of Stone Massage University.  Because, when I first started back in the early 1970’s as an LMT, I was well aware of the power of touch, but I never set out to change the world. I only wanted establish a positive reputation and bolster the credibility of our industry by changing people’s perceptions of the actual benefits of massage.

It became my life’s work, and decades later, my deepest desire now is to be able to provide the latest information on how to facilitate the trans formative powers of massage, for both new and established practitioners, to the benefit their clients and their professional status.

I believe Stone Massage work is profoundly effective and changes how individual people respond on all levels – physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

As a continuing education provider and industry pioneer, I have spent the last three decades bringing together all the resources  to develop distance learning materials and online e-courses for you.  Now, you have one place that you can turn to and find the educational tools to help you to achieve your personal goals while maintaining your professional standing.  Under my guidance you will discover advancement opportunities you may not have imagined before this.

Whether you are an individual practitioner or a business owner responsible for a group of talented employees, you will find that Stone Massage University was designed to address the needs of the next generation of body work practitioners, so they can expand their horizons, both personally and professionally.  Please know that I am here to be your Personal Holistic Coach and Mentor.

  • Late in 2009, Massage Envy, a national massage franchise, to my delight has added Stone Massage to their service menu.
  • NCBTMB now offers practice exams online.
  • AMTA National Convention in 2009 had largest turn-out thus far, where they welcomed over 1,800 attendees.
  • Liability insurers are now requiring practitioners to be familiar with the Fitzpatrick Classification Scale of Skin Typing, for the application of Stone Massage, Hot Fomentations, Thai Balls, etc.

By: Sonia Alexandra

Energy Healing, Uncategorized

What are Chakras?

“Chakra is an old Sanskrit term meaning ‘wheel’ or ‘circle’ and is generally used to reference specific energy centers along the body’s meridian. Generally there are seven chakra points, although some systems include one or two extra points.” (

7 Chakra's

Chakra 1: Base (or Root)

Open: Feel safe, secure and welcome.

Under-Active: Nervous or fearful.

Over-Active: Resist change and are materialistic.

Chakra 2: Sacral

Open: Feelings flow freely.

Under-Active: Unemotional.

Over-Active: Emotional all the time.


Chakra 3: Solar

Open: Feel in control and assertive.
Under-Active: Passive and Indecisive.
Over-Active: Aggressive.

Chakra 4: Heart

Open: Compassionate and friendly.

Under-Active: Cold and distant.

Over-Active: Smothering.

Chakra 5: Throat

Open: Able to express yourself.

Under-Active: Introverted and shy.

Over-Active: Talkative.

Chakra 6: Brow

Open: Have good intuition.

Under-Active: Rely on other people’s decisions.

Over-Active: Live in Fantasy Land.

Chakra 7: Crown

Open: Feeling connected to the world around you.

Under-Active: Self-denial.

Over-Active: Craving sympathy.

To Learn About Your Personal Chakra Levels…

This Chakra Test will help you determine if your Chakra levels are ‘open’, ‘under-active’, or ‘over-active.