Stone Massage, Health & Wellness, Sonia Alexandra, Energy Healing

Massage and Lower Back Pain

grieving I find in my personal practice, as well as the industry in general, back pain has increased tremendously, and is one of the most common complaints. Research indicates that qualified massage therapist are generally more effective at dealing with general lower back pain, then other more traditional methods, such as painkillers, anti inflammatory drugs, or physical therapy.

If you have ever experienced lower back pain, then you know the
feeling of pain relief; AHHHHHH what a relief it is.

Depending on the individual situation, always making certain a doctor’s evaluation is shared, different massage techniques can be incorporated. Depending on the particular cause of the pain, some of them are Swedish, warm & cool stone therapy, deep tissue manipulation, etc. are suitable for pain related points, where certain ligaments, joints, and postural alignment are targeted.

Massage therapy speaks for itself, clients report significant lessening of pain as well as improvement of motor function.

Sonia Alexandra, LMT

Pet Stone Massage, Health & Wellness

Saluting Our Veterans


1st_detail The gift of healing, pets for our Veterans

Our soldiers have been brave,  we are very grateful, and we honor them, however many of the men and women returned with severe physical and emotional wounds. Veterans are also struggling silently with PTSD. This is where organizations like Pets for Vets are such  a blessing.

For instance shelter animals receive a second chance at life; they are trained as service dogs for Veterans with mobility issues, as well as needed companions, while giving our soldiers unconditional love, thus,  the healing process can slowly begins.

Experts agree with the scientific, research that has proven our physical and emotional health benefits greatly by loving and caring for our precious pets, and the companion ship they provide What a gift they are to all of us.

Sonia Alexandra

Health & Wellness, Energy Healing

Massage Therapy for Children

Massage Therapy for Children !

We as Therapists offer a variety of massage treatments for adults, from relaxing spa treatments, to a history of therapeutic massage procedures that include but are not limited to, such as craniosacral, zone therapy, rolfing, stone massage incorporated for a variety of ailments.

Lately several studies have been conducted involving adolescents who have ADHD, the studies confirmed that the children who received regular scheduled massage treatments
Were much restless, it seems massage is helpful for short term effect, as it helps calm the
central nervous system, as well as many the other benefits of massage.

Autism in 2014 is on the rise, 1 out of 68 children are now diagnosed with Autism. With efforts on early detection and the benefits of healing touch we can make a tremendous difference in these children’s lives, an accepted innovative treatment procedure being utilized now is massage therapy, it consists of safe gentle nurturing touch and sensory integration.

Supportive alternative treatments for children are flourishing, from yoga to build strength and flexibility to meditation mini classes to teach children how to calm the mind.

As massage therapist we have an opportunity to learn new skills and expand our service offerings. We all have our massage specialties that resonate loudest with us. I recommend focusing on that area and becoming an expert in that field. As the needs of the world is changing so must we to meet their needs.


Sonia Alexandra LMT

What's New, Health & Wellness, Sonia Alexandra, Energy Healing

Presenting a Three-Part Series on Understanding Domestic Violence – Part 3

Presenting a Three-Part Series on Understanding Domestic Violence
Part 3


How Can We Help?

As we begin to understand the jaw-dropping statistics concerning domestic violence (Part 2), we learn that the prevalence of family violence in our society means that eventually someone we know, in our social circle, or someone we love, will be affected.

We need to understand what makes it difficult for the abused to leave; it is an individual choice, uniquely their own. Often, there are many factors and obstacles to leaving, such as intimidation, children, lack of resources, low self-esteem and even religion.

To the untrained eye, one might not know what questions to ask, and sometimes tend to blame the victim.

As a massage therapist, we are in a unique position to help. We can show our support by familiarizing ourselves with the victim assistance facilities as well as theprograms in our particular areas, for referral. We can help empower these victims. Women respond when told THEY CAN DO IT!

Share the coping tools you are familiar with. Most of all, use your healing touch; it provides such as important link on the journey to heart and soul healing. We can make a tremendous lasting difference in each others lives.

Blessings Always,

                            Sonia Alexandra

Stone Massage, Health & Wellness

Make Sinus Pressure Melt Away

Back in March, 2013, The Huffington Post reported that the 2013 allergy season could be the worst yet due to climate changes.  Allergens effect 55% of the U.S. population according to, so what is a person to do to keep a clean bill of health?  The answer varies from holistic approaches, home remedies, over-the-counter medications or prescribed medication.  Which method do you prefer?  Here’s our favorites:

At-Home Sinus Remedies

  • Use a humidifier or vaporizer: Keeping your nasal cavities moist will allow them to drain.  If you dry out the membranes, they become more irritated!
  • Drink lots of fluids: Not only is this a good idea for the health of your skin and organs, but fluids thin the mucus and may help prevent your sinuses from blocking up.
  • Massage your sinus pressure points by rubbing your cheeks and forehead.  (There’s a great video on this that we have posted below)

Healing Stone Sinus Remedies

  • Cold Stone Therapy: Cold stones are placed on the sinus trigger points, which alleviates swelling and disperses the congestion.
  • Hot Stone Therapy: By combining the use of a heated towel, eucalyptus aromatherapy and hot stones, your massage therapist will be able to soothe and relax muscles and relieve sinus congestion.

How to Give a Face Massage to Relieve Sinus Congestion