When taking the Zone Energy Therapy Course
You will learn from an experienced professional (The Pioneer and Developer, Sonia Alexandra LMT).
Create new opportunities to enhance your practice and service menu
Work smarter, not harder, enhance your practitioner repertoire
The primary focus of this therapy is preventative care by tapping into Chi energy blockages in the body
incorporating acupressure, stone therapy, herbal balls and cupping to help remove blockages
Dissolve stress that a client’s internal environment may be experiencing
Neutralize negative energy
Balance over-stimulated areas, while re-energizing depleted ones
Induce a feeling of peace and harmony for each client’s well-being.
Engaging pressure sensory and generating a response in the corresponding internal organs
Learning Zone Energy Therapy, you will incorporate the use of stones, herbal balls and cupping.
Light & medium friction
Tracing, stomping, pressure point techniques
By stimulating circulation, you will assist in inducing change in the cell activity throughout the epidermis, as the added oxygen and nutrients help the healing process by increasing the lymphatic flow, you will aid in the removal of toxins and waste products from each client’s body. Engaging the body’s self-healing mechanism